What is the Form I-9?
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS; Department of Homeland Security) requires all employers to verify the employment eligibility and identity of employees (citizens and non-citizens) hired after November 6, 1986.
First, what does an Authorized Representative do? And why use a Notary?
As an Authorized Representative, it’s my responsibility to ensure that the I-9 is filled out correctly. The I-9 is a way for employers to document that they are hiring employees who are legally authorized to work in the United States.
How do I fit in as a Notary?
As a Notary, I have extensive background knowledge in the proper notation of identification and privacy laws. Plus, in my previous career, I was a Human Resource Specialist. So, to date, I have completed 1000+ I-9’s.
Who fills out what?
The employee is responsible for completing Section 1 of the form, and the authorized representative is responsible for completing Section 2.
Helpful tips for successful completion of an I-9:
Fill out Section 1 before our meeting, but do not sign it. You need to sign the form in front of me.
When we meet, make sure that you bring your acceptable ID documentation with you. I legally can’t tell you what identification to use, we just need to make sure it meets the requirements for a completed I-9.
When completing an I-9 form there are a few things I check for:
That the document is the original.
That the person before me is the employee.
Proper VALID identification to complete Section 2.
Currently, the form MUST be completed in a face-to-face meeting with the employee.
***That’s the bonus of using a Mobile Notary. I can meet at your place of convenience.
I-9 services are an essential part of any business that relies on hiring employees. Notary Babe Shan LLC can be your Authorized I-9 Representative.
Call today to schedule your appointment! 734-469-8821