I do offer the service of Online Notarization. I am an Independent Virtual Notarization Specialist on the Cyberizeit.com platform. A few examples of documents that I can NOTARIZED ONLINE are: Acknowledgements, Business documents, Durable Power of Attorney, Employment forms, Investment Documents, Jurats, Loan closings, Pension and Retirement documents.
You can directly reach my profile here and make an appointment here
Have additional questions, Call or Text 734.469.8821 or email Shannon@notarybabeshan.com
Shannon Coffey of Notary Babe Shan has 23 years of experience in Management/Human Resources,10 years in Public Education, and 8 years of experience in banking and financial services. In order to provide the best signing experience, I continue my Notary education regularly staying up to date on my craft as a Professional Notary Public & Notary Signing Agent through Notary Stars, The Notary Business Builder with Notary Coach, The National Notary Association, and The American Society of Notaries. .
